Sunday, March 15, 2009

Parts of an Excel Screen

The Image is a typical image of an Excel Spreadsheet. The vertical grids like A,B,C... are known as columns.The Horizontal 1,2,3..... are known as rows.
Excel 2003 had 256 columns and 65536 rows.Excel 2007 has 16384 columns and 1048576 rows .

Intersection of a row and column is known as cell. A cell is referenced by its column namerownumber e.g. the first cell in the excel spreadsheet is A1. A cell that is formed due to intersection of column E and row 9 as highlighted in the image above is known as E9.

Active Cell is the one that is selected and has a dark outline. Data is always entered into the active cell. Name Box contains the the name of the Active Cell. The contents of the active cell is displayed in the Formula Bar which is located above the worksheet. Entering & editing of Data as well as Functions can be done using the Formula Bar.

An Excel file is known as Workbook which is further divided into various workskeets.Switching between worksheets in a Microsft Excel file is done by clicking on the sheet tab at the bottom of the screen.

Monday, March 9, 2009


This is my first blog ever and I have began this blog with a very simple objective:
"To teach my wife the Magic of Excel"
She has recently joined work as a Business coordinator & her work requires a lot of Excel usage. When we discussed about her work, I realised that learning to unlock the power of Excel will help her a lot. I made a promise to help her and got stuck. You know how it is sometimes with your spouse, you make a promise and can't back out. Since both of us work and work timings vary (we get to see each other for couple of hours on workdays but we do talk a lot on phone) teaching her became a challenge. It was then a friend suggested starting a blog which she can read at work. Along the way, I also realized I may do a lot of people real good. Do excuse me, if you find me garrulous at times but that’s the way I am. Here is my promise to my wife “I will help her to be an Advanced Excel User in 4 months". So anyone out there starting on Excel or having challenges understanding Advanced features in Excel, stick with this Blog. Better still, subscribe to it. Its 30 minutes past midnight and I am really sleepy now. Will continue writing on excel from tomorrow. It was nice talking to the world through a blog for the First time and I am hopeful that I and all my friends will enjoy this Journey of Learning Excel.