Monday, March 9, 2009


This is my first blog ever and I have began this blog with a very simple objective:
"To teach my wife the Magic of Excel"
She has recently joined work as a Business coordinator & her work requires a lot of Excel usage. When we discussed about her work, I realised that learning to unlock the power of Excel will help her a lot. I made a promise to help her and got stuck. You know how it is sometimes with your spouse, you make a promise and can't back out. Since both of us work and work timings vary (we get to see each other for couple of hours on workdays but we do talk a lot on phone) teaching her became a challenge. It was then a friend suggested starting a blog which she can read at work. Along the way, I also realized I may do a lot of people real good. Do excuse me, if you find me garrulous at times but that’s the way I am. Here is my promise to my wife “I will help her to be an Advanced Excel User in 4 months". So anyone out there starting on Excel or having challenges understanding Advanced features in Excel, stick with this Blog. Better still, subscribe to it. Its 30 minutes past midnight and I am really sleepy now. Will continue writing on excel from tomorrow. It was nice talking to the world through a blog for the First time and I am hopeful that I and all my friends will enjoy this Journey of Learning Excel.

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